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Character design sheets, also known as model sheets or character turnarounds, are essential tools used in animation, comics, and video games to maintain consistency and provide detailed information about a character’s appearance, proportions, and personality.
I often use AI to sketch out ideas for character designs. The realization is not perfect and contains lots of errors, but the goal for AI pre-visualization is not to create final art. Rather, it’s to simply work out if a concept could work.
These sketches show a typical workflow in character designs, where you would keep the outfit the same while rotating the figure. AI allows these realizations be done quickly, so that you can look at options before committing to a final design.
3D modeling is extremely time consuming. These sketches are previously done meticulously by hand and then discarded. By using AI, designers can focus on testing hundreds of concepts and ideas.
Stable Diffusion, SDXL