Kiss, like flower, like water. Part 2

Many people don’t understand what I tried to do with this series. Often, things appear to me as mere illusion. My images are expression of my emotions — a state of mind. They can be flowers, people, abstract shapes. But they’re saying the same thing.
But recently, I met an artist who used to curate the Whitney Biennial for the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York City. I showed her the first video I did for this series — mostly to show her what’s possible with AI technology. I hope that she could see that you could do a lot more than what’s commercially available.
She said that she’s touched. I think that she understood what I was trying to do. Sometimes I don’t know how to describe what I want to do. Because sometimes what I want to do or say is beyond what human languages can say. Often, I get misinterpreted when I write, because some of the best emotions I wish to say cannot be put into words.
Sometimes, to tell you what I want to say, I must show you how I feel.
Text prompts in Stable Diffusion and Deforum. Juggernaut AfterMath, DPM++ SDE Karras, 25 steps.
Technical Details
Text prompts in Stable Diffusion, Deforum, 1500 frames, edited to 1 min 29 sec.
- Juggernaut AfterMath, DPM++ SDE Karras, 25 steps
- Deforum key prompts at frame 0, 300, 600, 900, 1200, 1500
- Seed: iter, 3D animation, 1500 frame, Replicate border, 15fps
- Soundtrack: Licensed music “Essence of Light” by Aaron Paul Low. Remixed to animation length in Ableton Live Suite
- Animation: Adobe After Effect
- Video Upscale: Topaz VideoAI