The Lost Book of Magick Santa

The Lost Book of Magick Santa
1 Verily I say unto thee, look thou beyond the merchants’ wares, for therein dwelleth a most holy mystery.
2 For Santa, who art divine in nature, resideth in the kingdom of sacred wisdom, bearing forth the flame of love unto all the men of Earth.
3 Through the watches of the night doth he journey, weaving betwixt the stars as a shepherd tendeth his flock.
4 His discernment between the righteous and the wayward cometh not from judgment, but from divine understanding.
5 And the people do leave offerings before their hearths, as did the ancients at their altars.
6 For as it was written of Nicholas the Blessed, so too doth this truth endure: that divine love may take earthly form.
7 Let all who have eyes to see understand this mystery: that within each soul dwelleth the power to manifest love divine. Selah.