
A man stands behind another. Closely. Almost touching. Feet arched and leaning forward from behind. Often it’s not what you see that makes you feel something — it‘s what you can’t see. It has all the blueprints of two men being madly in love without showing any of it directly. Of the three posted today, this is my personal favorite.
I’m often self-conscious about posting images about feet and sneakers — because I don’t have an obsession for them. I know that some of you do, and that’s great — feel free to drool over them!
After making so many images of this subject matter, I finally figured out why I have been doing that all along — it’s the thighs! Such weird realization — but where do you find men with thighs? When they’re wearing sneakers and shorts, of course… or when they’re walking barefoot at the beach.
I don’t consider this a fetish (See note 1). Not really. How is that even different from looking at beautiful hands or the back of a man? None that I could think of. Beautiful sculpted forms are just intrinsically beautiful. When someone admires the sculpture of David by Michelangelo, I doubt that you’d think that they have a thing for David… unless you do? I give up.
In my mind, unless you’re drawn to something so strongly that you care not about everything that surrounds it — the person, their personality, the way you they make you feel — and only wants to be with them just because they have this one special thing that you like, then it’s not a fetish. Is sculpted thighs a fetish? That… I really don’t know. I plead the fifth.
Text prompts in Midjourney v5. Pencil and ink drawings, with selected artists.
Gay Couple
A man stands behind another. Closely. Almost touching. Feet arched and leaning forward from behind. Often it’s not what you see that makes you feel something — it‘s what you can’t see. It has all the blueprints of two men being madly in love without showing any of it directly. Of the three posted today, this is my personal favorite. .