Bubble Armor

Midjourney Image Prompt Series
These images will look rather strange because they were not built as a final image. Rather, these were purposely rendered to be used in an image prompt workflow for Midjourney v5.
Midjourney allows you to combine multiple images to create a new image based on interpretive stylistic attributes. In order to place the figure inside something else, I first have to hint at Midjourney that the man will need to be wrapped inside something, yet showing skin. So I made these in-between image to influence that concept.
To create images for the figures specifically to influence Midjourney’s image prompt, it’s important to keep a clean background. I used white here but you can also use neutral gray or black.
Midjourney tends to work best with white backgrounds. If I used black, it’s harder to then put another background in the actual image prompt generation without it turning everything darker than it needs to be. It’s also very important to not use colors for these images, otherwise Midjourney will pick up these colors and then it would then become impossible to create new images with a different palette.
Text prompts in Midjourney v5.
Rendered: 2023-05-08 Published: 2023-11-10