Taking a selfie in Paris, Anime Style

by GymDreams
After Feet45Paris @alpha_lomaxx

I made these in October 2023, after a selfie photo of Feet45Paris, now known on Instagram as @alpha_lomaxx. Originally, I published a photographic version, which I put into a reel. I have always liked these anime versions better, for it‘s more transformative

When I posted the photographic version, some people asked why it has no face. Well, F45P posted a photo without face, so it would feel strange to create an image with a made up face. So this version also has no face. Although it’s drawn by AI, it’s based on a real photo.

The technology is mainly used to create variations — variations of different street scenes in Paris, while keeping the pose the same — the same exact pose that F45P would pose in all his selfies. He always holds his phone this way. It’s so recognizable that I would make a comment about it, and he laughed at my observations.


Taking a selfie in Paris, Anime Style. After Feet45Paris @alpha_lomaxx.
Taking a selfie in Paris, Anime Style. After Feet45Paris @alpha_lomaxx.
Taking a selfie in Paris, Anime Style. After Feet45Paris @alpha_lomaxx.
Taking a selfie in Paris, Anime Style. After Feet45Paris @alpha_lomaxx.
Taking a selfie in Paris, Anime Style. After Feet45Paris @alpha_lomaxx.
Taking a selfie in Paris, Anime Style. After Feet45Paris @alpha_lomaxx.
Taking a selfie in Paris, Anime Style. After Feet45Paris @alpha_lomaxx.
Taking a selfie in Paris, Anime Style. After Feet45Paris @alpha_lomaxx.
Taking a selfie in Paris, Anime Style. After Feet45Paris @alpha_lomaxx.
Taking a selfie in Paris, Anime Style. After Feet45Paris @alpha_lomaxx.
Taking a selfie in Paris, Anime Style. After Feet45Paris @alpha_lomaxx.
Taking a selfie in Paris, Anime Style. After Feet45Paris @alpha_lomaxx.
Taking a selfie in Paris, Anime Style. After Feet45Paris @alpha_lomaxx.
Taking a selfie in Paris, Anime Style. After Feet45Paris @alpha_lomaxx.
Taking a selfie in Paris, Anime Style. After Feet45Paris @alpha_lomaxx.
Taking a selfie in Paris, Anime Style. After Feet45Paris @alpha_lomaxx.
Taking a selfie in Paris, Anime Style. After Feet45Paris @alpha_lomaxx.
Taking a selfie in Paris, Anime Style. After Feet45Paris @alpha_lomaxx.
Taking a selfie in Paris, Anime Style. After Feet45Paris @alpha_lomaxx.
Taking a selfie in Paris, Anime Style. After Feet45Paris @alpha_lomaxx.


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Selfie Series

The Selfie is a commentary about selfies seen all over Instagram. It is a technical challenge, made to see if I could replicate that same look and feel from selfies that are casually snapped, and as such with a figure situated in a surrounding that’s not tidied up. AI is great at making perfect things, so creating surroundings that are natural and messy poses its unique sets of challenges. This series originally started as a joke, but was generally very well received. I also tend to get so many DMs every time I post them because most people don’t read description and they always asked if it’s me. Short answer: no, but the first two me in this series is based on someone special in my heart.